
How to land yourself freelance jobs in Singapore

Discover how to start and maintain your freelancing job in Singapore.

Discover how to start and maintain your freelancing job in Singapore.


More than half of Singapore-based employees (51%) are planning to quit in the next 12 months, according to a new report by EY 2022’s Work Reimagined Survey.

Honestly, this comes as no surprise, following the ongoing Great Resignation trend since November 2021. While some individuals may be retiring or finding new jobs, many are also turning to self-employment like freelancing.

Freelancing definitely sounds more enticing than a typical 9–5 corporate job in Singapore, from having a less rigid schedule to being your own boss.

How To Get Started On Freelancing In Singapore

So, how do you land yourself gigs? And how to become successful at it so you have a steady stream of clients?

Let’s take a look at what freelancing entails and how you can get started in Singapore. Here are five key things to prepare before jumping into the freelance industry with both feet.


1. Play to your expertise

The first step in becoming a successful freelancer in Singapore is finding your niche — what kind of job do you excel at?

No one is good at everything — which is why it’s important for freelancers to focus on their strengths, rather than trying to be an expert in every area of their business.

For example, if web design isn’t your strong suit but marketing is, then focus on marketing rather than trying (and failing) to build websites for clients. Knowing where your strengths lie will allow you to create a better range of services that are tailored specifically towards what you do best.


2. Build your portfolio

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Once you have identified your area of expertise, it’s time to start building up your portfolio so potential clients can see what kind of work you are capable of producing.

You can do this by creating sample projects for yourself and sharing them online on platforms like LinkedIn, Medium, and WordPress.

If attaching your real name may invite awkward questions from your colleagues and bosses, especially if your company actively discourages any sort of freelancing, consider using another name for your freelance business.


3. Put yourself out there

When it comes to finding success as a freelancer in Singapore, having an extensive professional network is key. This means that you need to start building relationships with potential clients before you even get started in order to have people lined up when you’re ready to begin working.

Reach out to companies, attend events, or join professional organisations and networks related to your chosen field. It also helps if you already have colleagues and bosses from previous jobs who know your work ethic and can recommend potential clients to hire you. All these are great ways to get noticed and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

If you wish to land even more jobs, however, then you have to make sure that people know who you are and what services you offer. Creating an online presence helps a lot. Open accounts on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram and use them regularly to showcase your skillsets, connect with potential clients or employers, or even become a thought leader.


4. Know your worth

As a freelancer, it’s important that you understand the value of your services and charge accordingly. Don’t be afraid to set higher rates or even ask for more money when appropriate — there will always be people in Singapore who are willing to pay for quality work at a fair price point.

Never undersell yourself or accept low-paying jobs simply because they come along! This will only devalue the work that you are doing and waste your time. As a freelancer, your time is money.


5. Consistency is key

For freelancers in Singapore, consistency is arguably the most important aspect of their career.

This means having the discipline to constantly source for, take on, and commit to projects, regardless of how easy or difficult the job might be. Constantly delivering excellent results is what will keep clients coming back for more work.

Trust us, progress is happening, even if it may not seem like it.


Find Freedom And Flexibility With Freelance Jobs In Singapore

Whether it’s part-time or full-time freelance jobs that interest you, there are lots of opportunities out there for those who are willing to put in the effort required.

While freelancing can be very rewarding if done correctly, it requires dedication and hard work if one wants to be successful at it.

Just remember — tough times don’t last, tough people do.